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Child Nutrition Program

Dear Parent or Guardian:


Great food and friendly service are very important to us! We will do

whatever is necessary to ensure that our students receive courteous

service and attractive, well-balanced meals every school day. Our team

of Child Nutrition professionals is committed to excellence. We look

forward to serving students every day this school year!


Onslow County Schools provides nutritious breakfast and lunch meals

designed around United

States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary Guidelines and the

EAT SMART NC Nutrition Standards. Guidelines restrict the amount of

fat, sodium and sugar in our meal selections and encourage increased

consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, and

calcium rich foods.


Well-balanced breakfasts and lunches are one of the cornerstones to

success in the classroom and improving student's academic

performance. Nutritious meals increase learning and academic

achievement, improves student attention to academic tasks, reduces

visits to the school nurse, and decreases behavioral problems.


A student breakfast includes 4 menu items: 2 breads and/or protein, a

vegetable or fruit, and a milk product. Students may decline one of any

of the four items offered.


A student lunch includes 5 menu items from the following categories:

protein, vegetables or fruits, milk and bread. Students may decline up

to two of any of the menu items offered.


Supplemental items may be chosen for purchase and can be selected from a variety of healthy snacks and additional menu items. Menus are posted on the Onslow County Schools website at and in the local media. A printed copy of the monthly menu is sent home with each elementary student. Children from families whose income falls within USDA income-eligibility guidelines may be eligible for either free or reduced price meals. Applications for free or reduced price meals are available at each school office, the school dining room and the Child Nutrition Central Office. A new application must be completed each school year. Your child will continue any meal benefit from last school year for only the first 30 days of this school year. Benefits will discontinue unless a new application is processed as approved. Families are responsible for all meal costs for food eaten by the student until the new application has been approved. We are happy to offer assistance in completing the application as necessary. Please call 910-455-2211 ext 20573 with any questions. Child Nutrition Programs are designed to be fully supported by dining room sales. Meal prices are adjusted as necessary to cover the cost of preparing meals. For the current school year, prices are as follows: SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014 MEAL PRICES BREAKFAST Full Paying Student $1.00 Reduced Student $0.30 LUNCH Full Paying Student $1.75 Reduced Student $0.40 Our Board of Education adopted meal policy is spelled out in Policy Code 6225. You may also read the complete guidance for Collection of Child Nutrition Meal Charges from our website: If an elementary or middle school student has no money for breakfast or lunch, that student will be fed and the student's meal account will be charged accordingly. There will be no charging of individual food items at any time. The parent/legal guardian of the student is responsible for paying any meal charges. The school system strongly encourages anyone interested in the free or reduced price meal

program to complete an application as quickly as possible at the beginning of every school year. A parent or guardian may pre-pay for their child's breakfast, lunch, and extra meal items. This will eliminate the need for remembering and carrying lunch money on a daily basis. The dining room point of sales will keep track of each student's balance. A parent or guardian may even specify what the money is used for. This year parents are able to use an online payment option through is a secure site that utilizes all of the current industry privacy standards with the ability to pay for multiple children's accounts with one single payment. Lunch Pre-pay offers: •o Accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover •o The ability to look-up your child's account balance, any time, any place the internet is available. •o The ability to see 45 calendar days of purchases and payments. •o Automated notification, via e-mail, when your child's account balance falls below an amount you have set. Many parents wish to supplement their child's meal with a healthy addition such as fresh fruit, low fat ice cream or other healthy choices from the dining room point of sale. Payment is expected for these items as they may not be charged to the student's account. Absent restrictions from the parent or guardian, students have the ability to purchase additional food items. You may request that a message be placed on your child's account to limit the types and amounts of extra items your student is permitted to purchase. A parent/legal guardian may request a printout of their student's meal account which shows all purchases as well as payments made. Contact the dining staff manager at your child's school for any account information you desire. Your dining staff manager is always available to address any of your questions and concerns about your student's account or the Child Nutrition Program at your child's school. You may also contact the Onslow County Schools Child Nutrition Program Central Office staff at 200 Broadhurst Road in Jacksonville, NC. The phone number is 910-455-2211.

Tilwanja Lucas Director, Child Nutrition Program In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer."